Osteopath Appointment

We dared a long distance journey yesterday, of course NOT by car as that would mean using the demon car seat. Rather, we with the baby in the sling, grabbed a train from the local station and headed to the coast, Ostende. The Belgian coast isn’t the most vegan friendly of places, but it was nice to get away with the baby and enjoy the afternoon. Aodhan was a perfect baby, sleeping on the first train ride and wide awake and nursing on the way home.

I had made an appointment with my Osteopath for the early evening, with the hopes that he could treat my carpal tunnel syndrome, which I developed the last three days of my pregnancy. Before leaving I read an article by an osteopath promoting the positive link between osteopathy and reflux. This author went so far as to link traumatic and C-section births with high rates of reflux; given the way these babies are delivered there is an increase in the misalignment of their belly-systems and respiratory bits. I also noted a lot of moms on various forums who had taken their kidlets to Osteos with positive results.

After my appointment the Dr, (who by the way had an 8 week old Yorkshire Terrier in his office!!! I could hardly keep it together….he did let me pet her) placed Aodhan on the table and worked on his neck, shoulders, pelvis and tummy. Aodhan was uber-quiet and seemed entranced by either the blue-coated stranger’s face OR the treatment. Not sure which. But either way, he seemed really happy with the treatment and we will go back in a week an a half for another. Of course, he continues to puke like a trooper.

Kevin is at work today, so the babe and I have a trial run of being on our own, which starts for good in a couple more weeks. No worries. Park, lunch, playtime, nap! Poor daddy.

2 responses to this post.

  1. Fingers crossed the osteopath can help Aodhan, that would be great! And an “ouch” for your carpal tunnel syndrome!


  2. Posted by jumbleberryjam on July 31, 2009 at 3:44 pm

    If only we’d visited an osteopath with my DS! He didn’t puke, but wow! did he scream (although didn’t seem to be in pain) for 2 years straight! Hope yours can work some magic on your wee one!!


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